Course Materials
We know the cost for certification testing, classes, and materials can be expensive. That's why we advise students to find the materials that work best for them in the market.
Choose the option that best fits with your needs, budget, and study methods.
- Some people like to buy their materials new so they can highlight, mark up, and really use the materials to the fullest.
- Others have colleagues or friends who have taken the exams as well and will choose to borrow the materials.
- Others may find them on the secondary markets such as eBay, Amazon, etc.
Students will be responsible for purchasing their own study materials.
There are many high quality certification prep course study systems on the market today - their materials are extensive and varied. We've listed three of the most popular ones below, along with links to their website and get more information. We have found these materials are all high quality and comparable in quality.
Remember, your materials are only one aspect of your success in studying for and passing the test.
The SHRM Learning System self-study option is a preferred study resource - it will help you learn and apply the HR knowledge and competencies to real-life situations, and prepare for SHRM certification.
The SHRM Learning System consists of four learning modules that are based on the SHRM Body of Competency & Knowledge (BoCK). The information is broken down into consumable topics to ensure you understand and can apply it on the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP exam and in everyday practice.
Website: www.shrm.org/certification
Email: certification@shrm.org
Phone: 800-283-SHRM (7476)
HR Certification Prep
Prepare for your Professional in Human Resources (PHR) or senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certification with the help of the HRCP Program. Since 1995 our HR study materials have helped thousands of HR professional prepare for and pass the SPHR and PHR certification exams.
HRCP provides various study options including test prep books (both printed and online), flash cards, and practice exams.
Website: www.HRCP.com
Phone: 801-343-3699
Distinctive HR
Distinctive Human Resources and PHR Exam Prep offers the most extensive certification prep program on the market today for the active HR professional.
The comprehensive range of learning tools offered include study manuals, audio files, flash cards, sample tests, online videos, and training games.
Purchase study guides and other materials on their website:
Website: www.phrexamprep.com
Email: sales@distinctivehr.com
Phone: 919-770-7043

Economical Course Materials
There are also study guides and books that are available on the retail market at an economical price. While these are not as extensive or as robust as the study systems above, they are a lower cost option that will still provide you with a solid guide to the HR body of knowledge, quizzes, and up to date information.

Class Resources
CTA will provide additional resources to help you prepare:
- Practice quizzes – with detailed answer keys
- Review sheet of the all functional areas of the HR exams
- Multiple methods to prepare for the exam through readings, discussions, and practice
- Numerous tips and recommended techniques to assess questions
- Class materials (slides, quizzes, test tips, recorded sessions) are accessible for 60 days following the course.